
34th Street Transitway Construction – Phase I

Purpose & Scope

The 34th Street Transitway construction project (MED607B)  is an FTA funded project for the NYC DDC.

It aims to increase Select Bus Service traffic flow along East 34th Street. The project traversed East 34th Street between Lexington Avenue & the FDR Drive.

Increasing Water Distribution in Manhattan

Water Trunk Main Construction

MFM installed an extensive trunk water main distribution system for Phase I. This water distribution equipment is a critical part of the City’s efforts to improve water distribution throughout Manhattan. We installed a series of 48″ and 36″ diameter steel trunk mains below both 3rd and 2nd Avenues.

Infrastructure Construction

MFM installed new sewer chambers, box culverts and 72″ diameter concrete pipe. They included both driven and drilled piles to support them.

Utility Construction

We replaced aging distribution water mains, electric, natural gas, telephone & fiber optic facilities. Our deep experience in utility construction on complex projects was key.

Special Requirement – Safer & Faster MTA access

We added New “Bus Bulbs”. These realigned the existing curbs to allow for safer and faster access to MTA bus service. New sidewalks, granite curbs & a green bio-swale facility were also installed.

Multi Agency Planning & Coordination for traffic volumes

We planned & coordinated with MTA Bridges & Tunnels’ for the operation of the Queens Midtown Tunnel. We worked with CDOT & NYPD to manage the extreme vehicular & pedestrian traffic volumes in the area.

Extensive Agency Relationships & Experience drive Success

MFM’s is grateful for our extensive relationships with these agencies. Together, we safely & successfully implemented MPT.

34th Street Transitway Construction Ahead of Schedule

Our experience & relationships enabled us to provide the team with the necessary requirements to successfully complete our part of this project ahead of schedule.

Construction Achievements

The project installed 500 LF of steel trunk water main. We installed 6,700 LF of distribution water main. Plus, we installed 1,000 CY of concrete road base & 18,000 SY of asphalt pavement.

Project Photos

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